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​Luc ten Klooster  
Photographer   Visual artist

Butoh dance

'Ripping your body open in search of your soul' (Fabio Keiner)

Butoh dance is a form of modern Japanese dance theatre.

The word 'dance' suggests fast and graceful movements, but with Butoh usually the opposite is true. Better to define Butoh as 'movement theater': there are many activities, techniques and motivations for dance, performance, or movement.

Butoh arose after WO II through collaborations between its two founders Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno. The art form is difficult to define, common features of the art form include playful and grotesque imagery, taboo topics, extreme or absurd environments. Traditionally the body is white painted, often nude, combined with very slow hyper-controlled motion.

Butoh aroused the interest of the Dutch photographer Luc ten Klooster (Luc ten Klooster Visual Arts) not only because of its contemplative origins in Far Eastern culture, but also from a photogenic point of view. He wanted to get into the skin of the performers as deeply as possible, so many images were not taken from a chair in the theater but very close-up, sometimes in the midst of the performers.

This website is entirely devoted to Butoh photography.
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Luc ten Klooster Visual Art Lucunique - Butoh photography

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